Friday, May 21, 2010

Here We Go Again

Well so here we go again with this blogging thing. I have tried it a few times but now the more I get into reading blogs the more I want to share one of my own. So I think my first blog I will just share what the title of my blog refers to. I see my life in four categories that intermix with each other but also have their own identities most of the time. So here I am flying around in this plane called me and my life takes off and lands in four different runways. So I am going to talk about each runway in order of priority.

Runway #1- Family- My family means everything to me. My 3 year old daughter, my lovely wife of nearly 9 years, and my parents. Yes I have a brother and a myriad of sister in laws and those may be topics of future posts also but primarily you will see a focus on those three.

Runway #2- Friends- In my lifetime I have had great friends. I have the best friend in the world in Derek. I have a great group of friends that are also my colleagues and I live in a great neighborhood with people I have grown to care for. These will be where the crazy posts will come from.

Runway #3- Teaching- I teach 5th grade and honestly that is enough about that, it is the greatest job that is both tiring and rewarding beyond understanding.

Runway #4- El Presidente- The most difficult aspect of my life is being the president of the teacher's union. In my 5 years in this role, I have seen the best of times and the worst of times. From a complete mental crash to a group being honored as Educators of Year, this role has given me a confidence that I would not have otherwise found. In addition to this found confidence, I have had the honor of working with a leadership core at both the district and within my membership that cannot be matched. This will be the runway that the majority of my posts will land on.

So there is the history behind the title of my blog. I may get into this and I may not, we will have to see what happens.

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